3rd Grade Calendar

Sunday, January 24, 2016


Great News!

Recently, all EB 3rd grade students received an IXL account.

Teachers love IXL because it is an easy-to-use website where students can practice math, language arts, science, and social studies skills directly aligned with the Common Core Standards. We can also easily see what skills students are understanding and/or need more help with.  

Students love IXL because it's fun, easy-to-use, and they get immediate feedback on how they're doing.  If they get an answer incorrect it tells them the correct answer and even explains why!


Letters with student's IXL username and password will be coming home soon so they can continue to practice their skills at home!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

States of Matter

Last week, all 3rd grade classes got to see a science demonstration done by their teachers!  Teachers started with a clear plastic bottle about half full of vinegar and a balloon with baking soda in it.  We secured the balloon around the lip of the bottle and made some predictions about what was going to happen when we lifted the balloon up.  A lot of students knew that vinegar and baking soda don't mix well.
What ended up happening was the vinegar "fizzled" and the balloon filled with gas.  We determined that the mixing of vinegar (liquid) and baking soda (solid) created a chemical reaction when mixed which resulted in carbon dioxide (gas) and blew the balloon up.

Watch a youtube video of someone doing this experiment here:

Last week, all 3rd grade students got to participate in a science experiment called "Dancing Raisins!" They used the Scientific Method (Question, Hypothesis, Materials, Experiment, Results, and Conclusion) to record their data.  Many students in Ms. Moran's class predicted that when we dropped raisins into a cup of 7Up the soda would change color and turn to grape juice.  A few also thought that because raisins are dehydrated grapes, soaking them in liquid might rehydrate them, and turn them back into grapes.
What actually happened was the grapes sank to the bottom of the glass but the carbonation in the soda surrounded the raisins and lifted them to the surface.  When the carbon dioxide reached the top, the bubbles popped and the raisins sank to the bottom again.  It looked like they were dancing!

Watch a youtube video of someone doing this experiment here:

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Here's What's Going on in 3rd Grade This Week

Math Learning Targets

- I can describe patterns in a multiplication table (multiples of 2, 4, and 8)

- I can determine when to multiply and when to divide in word problems

- I can determine the unknown number in multiplication and division problems

Reading Learning Targets

- I can read and identify consonant digraphs (sh, th, ph, ch, and ng)

- I can read and identify words with multiple meanings

- I can describe the connection between 2+ paragraphs in a text

-I can use illustrations to help clarify text.


We have just started a science/writing unit of Properties of Matter.

This week we are building background/vocabulary.

Next week there will be science demos and class experiments!