3rd Grade Calendar

Friday, April 29, 2016

Meet "Rick" the Red Tailed Boa Constrictor

Thank you to Logan and family, for introducing students to Rick, the Red Tailed Boa Constrictor! We learned all about a boa's habitat, physical characteristics, behavior, and many fun facts about this 7 foot reptile! Rick is a very mellow guy, and was a class pet for many years before being adopted by Logan's family. Some of his favorite activities are taking baths, watching TV, hanging out with his family, and dining on (dead) rat once a month. 


Checking out his molted skin!








Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Field Trips and Guest Speakers!

This Thursday, April 28th is our Field Trip to the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall. Third, fourth and fifth graders are looking forward to performing with the Oregon Symphony!

All third grade classes are going to the Oregon Zoo on Thursday, May 12th.
The cost is $4.00 per student and $4.00 per Chaperone. Please let us know if you are able to chaperone. We would appreciate having you there!

Students are busy researching animals and creating a slide show on "Google Slides." Students will prepare a speech about an animal while using the slide show as a visual resource. Students will also write a research paper about an animal.

Mrs. Long and her class would like to THANK Lily's father and Wild Life Biologist, Mr. Goldberg, for preparing a wonderful presentation about animals that live in the Pacific Northwest. We learned a great deal about the animals that live in our local forests.



Great Horned Owl

Thank you, Mr. Goldberg! We loved your presentation!

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

What We're Learning This Week:

Mrs. Long's class and Ms. Moran's class are starting animal research in preparation for our Oregon Zoo Field Trip on May 12th.
Mrs. Rauch/Buckner's class is working on studying Portland history in preparation for the Downtown Field Trip tomorrow (April 14th.)
*Mrs. Long's class and Ms. Moran's class are going Downtown on May 26th.

We are studying graphing (bar graphs and pictographs.)

We have been studying a Health unit on Saying No to Drinking, Drugs, and Alcohol.  Students have been learning what is harmful and helpful for our bodies and the steps to take when someone offers them something harmful:
1. Say "No!" with body and words
2. Give a reason if they want
3. Go to a safe place
4. Tell a trusted adult
We're also practicing using quotation marks in writing, using words other than "said," and adding adverbs.  For example: "I won't do that," Austin yelled loudly!

Smarter Balanced Testing-
Last week we finished the English Language Arts section.
This week we have a break from testing.
Next week we will start the English Language Arts Performance Task (similar to our district writing assessment on Dental Health.)
Then we will have a week off.
Starting 5/02 we will do Math.
Then we will have a week off.
Starting 5/06 we will do the Math Performance Task.
Then we are finished with testing!

Saturday, April 2, 2016

State Testing Begins on Monday

The Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) begins on Monday for third graders. Students will begin taking the English Language Assessment (ELA) Computerized Adaptive Test (CAT) this week. Just a reminder that classes will test at the following times: 

Mrs. Buckner & Mrs. Rauch's class will test from 9:10-10:10
Ms. Moran's class will test from 10:15-11:15
Mrs. Long's class will test from 12:10-1:10

On Testing Day
Please make sure your child gets a good night's sleep and eats a healthy breakfast. Doing both of these things will ensure that your child is working at a full capacity.

Remain Positive
Staying calm will help your child stay calm. If she gets nervous or has anxiety about the test, help her practice some relaxation techniques that she can try once she's taking the test. (Narang, 2008).


SBAC Practice
Your student has done both the math and reading practice tests at least one time during their computer lab. 
If you would like to see the practice test and provide your child with additional practice, please visit the SBAC website: http://www.smarterbalanced.org/parents/

Oregon Symphony Field Trip

The Oregon Symphony Field Trip is coming up on April 28th! 
On April 28th, all third, fourth, and fifth graders will travel by school bus to the Arlene Schnizter Concert Hall in downtown Portland. Permission slips were sent out last week and we are allowed to take two chaperones per class. If you would like to chaperone, please indicate this on your student's permission slip and the first two parents to reply will be able to attend. 
If you haven't gotten a chance to sign the permission slip, it would be most appreciated if you could do so as soon as possible. 
Thank you!