3rd Grade Calendar

Sunday, September 27, 2015

September News

We've had a great start to the beginning of third grade! During the past two weeks, we've been busy doing many community building activities such as teaching and reviewing our school's Be ready, Always try, Respect, and Keep safe (B.A.R.K.) expectations. Students were taken on a BARK tour of the school and taught the expectations for each area of the school and their classroom. We've also gotten to know each other through collaborative artwork, by making and sharing connections, and other fun activities. In addition, students have been hard at work reviewing math skills learned in second grade, learning why writers write, and practicing reading strategies to help with their comprehension. On Monday, we'll be starting the third week of school. Please review some of the major learning targets students we've been covering in third grade: 

Week 1: I can ask Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How questions about a story and find the answers. 
Week 2: I can read realistic fiction and identify each character's point of view.
Week 3: I can explain how a story's illustrations clarify and enhance a text.

Week 1: I can tell time to the nearest minute.
Week 2: I can round numbers to the nearest 10 and 100. 
Week 3: I can add and subtract using time and patterning. I can add and subtract numbers within 1000.

Week 1: I can understand that authors often write about people they love, ideas they care about, and experiences that leave a lasting impression.
Week 2: Students get ideas for their own writing from making connections with books, and other peers. Students can narrow a topic to one important moment.
Week 3: I can use precise verbs to create an exact picture for the reader. 

                           Upcoming Events:
  • Tuesday, Sept. 29: Spirit Assembly at 1:30 in Gym. You are always welcome to attend this fun event! September's Character Trait: Cooperation- Works and interacts well with others. 
  • Wednesday, Sept, 30, 2:15: Cookie Dough Fundraiser Assembly. Also remember to have your child read at home and turn in Septemeber's Rockin' Reader at the end of this month.
  • Thursday, Oct. 1st: Picture Day. If ordering pictures, students should bring their picture form with exact cash or a check.